Yesterday, one of my friends posed a question on Facebook; something along the lines of, "Do the things we think create our future?" You know, like The Secret.. It got me thinking and you know how that goes... One thought lead to another and now here I am writing a blog that has nothing to do with any of that stuff.
My first thought was, could it be true, do positive thoughts create positive outcomes or are positive people just more likely to see the positive outcome because they're looking for it?? And is it just the opposite effect with negative people? I don't know but as I was about to get into the shower I looked in the mirror and thought, "GEEZ! I'm a whale!!!" Then I wondered if by thinking that I was actually making myself larger or was it just my perception of myself that would change. I decided to take action! I looked at myself and said, "Light as a feather..." The very next thing that popped into my head was, "Stiff as a board." I spent the next twenty minutes being terrified that I might levitate or that some ghost would come pull the shower curtain open. So, that was enough positive thinking for me...
When I went up to bed, The Buried Life was on. If you don't know what that is, it's a show on MTV about four guys who made a list of all the things they want to do before they die and set out to do them immediately. It's pretty inspirational! Anyhoodilydoodily, Matt and I have been watching it for a while now and about a month ago he asked me what I wanted to do before I die. At that time, I was on a SERIOUS diet. Not a just kidding, sometimes I eat a bag of chips in the closet when I'm home alone diet, but a serious serious no cheating or it won't work diet.. You know, like how you're really supposed to do diets but you never really do. Anyways, I was REALLY doing this diet and I didn't cheat AT ALL. Not even once. So when Matt came to me with this complex question, my mouth took over before my brain had time to react and I blurted out, "I'd really like to eat a cupcake." He looked at me like I was crazy because really, who says that?! There are so many things that you can't do everyday and all I want before I DIE, dead, gone forever, never coming back, is to eat a cupcake?! WTF!?!?!?!
So then I started thinking about if I was told I had one day to live, what would I do? I pictured dragging each and everyone of my family members and friends to every restaurant I love and eating as much as possible. It then entered my mind that it couldn't hurt to ask each person to bring a baked good. I'd probably be crying the whole time because I'd miss them all so much so I'd have to make a video diary for them to play at the funeral. It would just be me, reminding them of how funny I am and telling stories of the funny things that had happened throughout my life. I'd try to address each person but I knew I'd leave someone out on accident, so I'd say something like, "You know who you are," at some point and hopefully, they'd all think I was referring to them. I'd close the video with me bawling while listening to sad songs and eating cupcakes.
Of course, that's not what I'd really do if I only had one day to live but it made for a good blog! I think that it's so important to love everyone as much as you can everyday.. That is what I want to do before I die.