Sunday, January 8, 2012

2012: Week 1

Our week in review:

I spent Sunday extremely hungover (more on that at a later date).

Emma has been looking at her clock and yelling, "It's two-ninety-four! WE'RE LATE!" She's extremely protective of her mommy. She has been talking a lot about Uncle Nick lately. She calls Vincent "Pincent." Man, I love that girl!

Vincent is finding his voice. He coos and laughs all the time now. He kicks up a storm in his bouncy chair!!

Matt plays Call of Duty ALL THE MOTHEREFFING time. He got a promotion at work and now he gets all fancy every day. I like it. :)

I went back to work this week which isn't too much fun but it's nice to get out of the house. Plus, I get to take Baby Pincent with me.

Loving this life~

Whistle while you work...

Saturday, January 7, 2012


I feel like there is not enough time in the day to get everything done. I have been wanting to do some creative writing exercises on my blog. That is not happening at this point. I also wanted to start taking pictures everyday. That is not happening at this point. There are a lot of activities on my list of things to do but I can only do so much, I guess..

I miss the warm summer days of watching Lu play outside.. I'm longing for a lazy summer day right now.

Friday, January 6, 2012

He was just a little bug...

Little Vincent.. Who knew you could love someone so much?? When you have a child, you realize that there is this whole other level of love that you have been missing out on.. It's the kind of love that grabs your heart and squeezes the shit out of it. You seriously can't handle how much you love this little person. It is completely overwhelming! I have been overwhelmed by this love twice now and it is amazing. :)

Matt took this picture the day after we brought Vin home.. Probably while I was on my way to bleed out in the bathroom.. C-sections are fun.

Thursday, January 5, 2012


My sissy is an amazing photographer!! I love her way too much. She was kind enough to take a few pictures for me when Baby Vincent was just two weeks old. Here is one that I love!!

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Christmas Gifts..

This year, I didn't have a ton of time on my hands, what with a newborn and all.. I didn't paint a single canvas for Christmas and let me tell you... I'm having withdrawals! So, instead, I let my creativity flow through Photoshop. Not as much fun as painting but the end result was worth it. :)

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Back to work. Sadface!!

Matt and I were blessed with a baby boy in October! His name is Vincent. :) I'm convinced that we are the luckiest people in the world...

Unfortunately, the new year means that I had to quit being a stay at home mommy and go back to work. But lucky me, I get to take Baby Vincent with me!! I have to leave Lulu with a babysitter and we missed her all day... She is the best big sister!!

Anyhoo, here's Vin, ready for his first day on the job.

Emma always says, "Hi, handsome boy!"

I think she's right!!

Monday, January 2, 2012

Christmas Morning

We had an amazing Christmas!!

I don't know why, but we didn't get a family pic... I'll be sad all year!!

Sunday, January 1, 2012

And I'm back to the blogland.

Welp, it has been too long since I have blogged... A L O T has happened since I last wrote and I'm going to try super hard to catch up on everything...

First things first... My littlest brother and his beautiful wife welcomed a baby boy to their lives.. He is our sunshine on the cloudiest of days!! I can't even express how much I love this little sumo wrestler!! He is my sweet baby.. :)

They already have a pretty girl, Jessie and she is my sweet pea... I can't get enough of her sweet smile!!

So, for Christmas, I took these two images and created this:

Love this beautiful family!!