Picture it: A sunny Sunday afternoon. A grocery store parking lot....
My little 65 year old mother was walking to her car alone when suddenly, a car full of men pulled up next to her with their windows down and began chanting "WHITE POWER" while shaking their fists at her.
My family is of Hispanic descent and I am appalled that someone would do this to my mother! This behavior is absolutely shocking and disgusting.
Personally, I am amazed that there are people in this world that carry this kind of hatred around with them on a daily basis. TO the grocery store. ON a Sunday afternoon. As though it were a wagon full of daffodils, they hand out their fury to any and all that do not meet their "standards."
I only wish I had been there to spit into their car window.. I'm fairly certain I could master the trajectory of my saliva/mucus under the right circumstances. I've watched a lot of the VH1 reality shows and I feel as though I am one with the intricacies of launching saliva into the face of an enemy...