Monday, July 27, 2009

A Pic A Day...

I never update my blog anymore, mostly because I'm fresh out of time these days. I decided that I will update once a day everyday with a photo. Even if it's not necessarily a current photo, at least it's something.

SO! This is day one of A Pic A Day... My first addition is of Emma when she was just a little bean in my belly. She was so cute! Even before she was fully formed..

I can honestly say that seeing her like this for the first time during my pregnancy was the most amazing moment of my life up to that point. I think the only thing that tops it, even now, was when she was born. But at this amazing moment, I was 13 weeks and 2 days pregnant. We didn't even know she was a 'she' yet!! But as you can see, she looks just like a real baby!!

Throwing up a 'Peace' sign.. HA!

She's huge now, don't let these photos mislead you.

1 comment:

  1. AHHH little peanut baby girl. Cabria is funny everytime she sees a pic of emma she says "EMMA, EMME, EMME, EMME, EMME...AHHHH EMMA! We miss her please bring that baby over here sooooooon! Oh and by the way I'm going to go ahead and follow right along with ya with that pic a day stuff.
