Monday, March 2, 2009

As my mother would say; what is this world coming to?

I've recently been caught up in the dating "reality" shows. The latest being, 'A Double Shot at Love with the Ikki Twins.' I know, I know, the name itself should be enough to send any sane person running in the opposite direction. For me, one quick peek proved to be fatal.

The premise surrounding this show is this: Two twin sisters, Vikki and Ricki, apparently could not find love in the real world so they decided that a reality show was the next best option. A group of desperate attention-seeking men and women compete in ridiculous challenges to win the affection of the surgery enhanced sisters.

Just so you know, they both chose the same guy. He was the weirdest looking person on the show and his job title is 'Boat Captain.' He then had to choose between them. He had told Ricki he loved her in a previous episode but then proceeded to choose Vikki, whom he said he was certain would be the perfect girlfriend. (The runner up also chose Vikki, although she was not chosen by either of the twins. NO ONE CHOSE RICKI. I laughed for days about that.)

This got me to thinking, what kind of people go on these shows? There are a plethera of different reality dating shows where contestants are forced to participate in humiliating competitions in hopes of gaining, what, love? Fame? I'm puzzled.

The worst of these are the VH1 date a famous person shows. Creepy-old-rode-hard-disease-ridden-has-beens looking for love in all the wrong places. The producers of this show decided it would be much to hard for the public to remember the birth names of the contestants so they opted for nicknames such as Toasteee, Like Dat and Deelishis. For the rest of some poor woman's life she'll be known as Buck-Wild: A woman who tried to "win" a relationship with Flava Flav AND LOST.

They didn't stop there though, oh no.. They gave the first place loser New York, her own show too! There are people who want to date Flava Flav's sloppy seconds. Who knew?

All I know is if I were looking for a romantic relationship, the minute someone started referring to me as 'Flaming Hot Cheeto' or something like that, would be the minute I pack my emotional baggage and move on.

In the midst of all this reality dating show madness I just have one question for the television networks; When is Lindsay Lohan getting her own show? You know that hot mess has been whoring around the town like it's her job. Why hasn't anyone been documenting this??? I'll bet she'd come up with some cracker-jack nicknames for her contestants too! Whiskey Macgee and Cokie McMethson, Mary-Jane Potter... I'd watch that show. No one wants to see Bret Michaels making out and fondling strippers on a damn bus! Lindsay Lohan swapping Valtrex for Adderall; there's a show!

1 comment:

  1. I thoroughly enjoy your writing!! It's very entertaining!! I was very amused by your observance with reality shows..they really are a big fat joke!!! hhahaha
